dandy days wished

Please boop Dandy Dan on his nose.
A smiling man wearing a bowling hat, a rainbow plaid blazer, and a fake moustache gives two thumbs up.

frequently asked questions

What am I looking at?

A website that wishes a dandy day to everyone who visits.

Why does this exist?

To give you something to chuckle at.

Why are you trying to make me chuckle?

There are already enough things on the internet to make you grumble.

Out of everything you could have made, why this?

Because this idea made me laugh considerably more than any of my other ideas.

Why did this idea make you laugh so much?

I really don't know. It's just funny.

How much time did you spend making this?

More than a little and less than a lot. But either way, probably too much.

Who is Dandy Dan?

The dandiest man on the internet.

What is Dandy Dan's life story?

He didn't exist for most of human history. Then this website was created and he poofed into existence. Now he will dance and be dandy for all of eternity. That is pretty much all there is to it.

Where is the beautiful vista that Dandy Dan is dancing in located?

In Dandyland of course.

Can I visit Dandyland?

Within the vast expanse of imagination, anything is possible. Within the cold harsh reality in which we exist, unfortunately not.

My day isn't that dandy. What should I do?

Go experience Dandy Dan and his dandy song. Maybe it will help turn your day around.

My day is already too dandy to handle. What should I do?

Think long and hard before you experience Dandy Dan and his dandy song. That much dandiness may be dangerous.

What am I supposed to do after I experience Dandy Dan and his dandy song?

The possibilities are endless.

  • Continue going about your day.
  • Experience it again.
  • Share it with someone else so that they can experience it.
  • Look back on your life and ponder the long chain of events that have led you to the point where you are reading the FAQ of this website.
  • All of the above.
  • None of the above.
The dandy song is stuck in my head. What can I do?

Unfortunately not much. It is an especially catchy tune. It will likely be cemented in your skull for the foreseeable future.

I dislike Dandy Dan and his dandy song. How can I express my displeasure?

Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Turn your head to the sky.
  2. Shake your fists in rage.
  3. Howl, "Curse you Dandy Dan and your dandy song! I do not find you dandy!"
I enjoy Dandy Dan and his dandy song. How can I express my delight?

Follow these steps carefully:

  1. Turn your head to the sky.
  2. Raise your hands in exaltation.
  3. Rejoice and sing, "Bless you Dandy Dan and your dandy song! I find you oh so very dandy!"

Created, designed, and developed by a regular old jabroni.

Original lyrics and music by someone else.

This website does not use cookies and does not collect, store, or share user data (other than the total number of times the big dandy button was clicked).

A snowy mountain range in the background.

Have A Dandy Day!

A smiling man wearing a bowling hat, a rainbow plaid blazer, and a fake moustache gives two thumbs up.